At each full hour, the following metadata are made ready:
- YETKİM Federation Metadata for federation members:
- yetkim-idp-metadata.xml (Only identity providers)
- yetkim-sp-metadata.xml (Only service providers)
- yetkim-metadata.xml (Both identity and service providers)
- YETKİM Federation Metadata to be pulled by eduGAIN:
- eduGAIN Metadata (excluding YETKİM Federation entities), for federation members:
- edugain-idp-metadata.xml (Only identity providers)
- edugain-sp-metadata.xml (Only service providers)
- edugain-metadata.xml (Both identity and service providers)
All of the above mentioned metadata are signed by YETKİM Metadata Signer Certificate. sha-1 and sha-256 fingerprints of the certificate are:
- sha-1: AD:12:24:89:62:B9:1E:26:F2:FC:62:7B:61:46:E6:CC:E0:FD:30:F3
- sha-256: A4:86:8C:B1:76:6D:1B:F2:40:04:26:64:A2:99:37:5B:36:0D:86:CC:A9:71:2E:26:93:1D:B6:25:3B:26:6E:36