YETKİM is identity federation established for higher education and research institutions connected to Turkish Research and education Network ULAKNET.
The federation provides authentication and authorization infrastructure for web resources using Single Sign-On (SSO) . This infrastructure supports easy and secure inter-organizational access to web resources.
SSO enables users to securely authenticate with multiple applications and websites by logging in only once with just one set of credentials (username and password). SSO facilitates password management for users, while also reducing the labor required for system administration. Thereby users access to different services like e-mail, library or student affairs with same credentials.
With an identity federation;
- one has only one credential which is registered at her/his home organization. Home organization keeps user information and credentials and keeps them secure and private.
- one can single-sign-on. A user authenticates once and doesn’t need to authenticate again for any web resource until s/he logs off or close the web browser.
- web resource administrators don’t need to deal with user registration, authentication.
- authentication is done by user’s home organization.
- authorization is done at the service site using attributes obtained from user’s home organization.
- service providers and identity providers easily share their metadata.
YETKİM is also a member of eduGAIN. The eduGAIN is a global service operated by European Academic Network GEANT. With the participation of federations operated by education and research networks of 73 different countries, more than 2,600 identity providers and more than 1,800 service providers were gathered under the same roof.
You can find more detailed information about eduGAIN at the following address.